What is OZCAR ?
OZCAR (Critical Zone Observatories: Research and Application) is a national distributed research infrastructure associating most of the French observation sites dedicated to the observation and monitoring of the Critical Zone, CZ, the thin outer venner of Earth’s continents extending from the top of the vegetation canopy down to groundwater.
Regarding the IPSL urban theme: OZCAR contains a SNO (national observation service) on urban areas called Observil (https://sno-observil.fr/).
Regarding the IPSL water cycle theme, one could see (at least) two main contact points:
- several SNO of OZCAR are focusing on groundwater (e.g., SNO Hplus, SNO Karst), which is not as developed the IPSL theme
- the SNO GLACIOCLIM focuses on glaciers evolution
- the SNO AMMA CATCH is an multi-disciplinary eco-hydro-climatic observatory