i-ceo data

Within the IPSL Data Centre, ESPRI-Obs team offers expertise and services around the management, valorization and processing of observational and reanalysis data in support of the objectives of the IPSL Centre of Earth Observation (ICEO).

In particular, its role is to enhance data produced by IPSL and to ease the access to various datasets for IPSL and its partners near the computing facilities used by the IPSL community such as :

  • satellite observations :Satellite data are either from other data centres (NASA, Eumetsat, ICARE, etc.), or produced directly by the ESPRI group or IPSL researchers, or acquired in real time (geostationary data or via a real time antenna for IASI data in particular). For example, IASI and GOSAT data are used to estimate and monitor trace gases such as ozone, methane and carbon monoxide on a global scale., 
  • in-situ and network measurements: most of the in-situ data managed by ESPRI comes from observation networks such as NDACC (Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change), which carries out lidar measurements of ozone, aerosols and water vapour, or from instrumented sites operated by the IPSL, such as the SIRTA site (Site Instrumental de Recherche par Télédétection Atmosphérique), located on the Saclay plateau (Ecole Polytechnique and CEA). These two structures contribute to the ACTRIS research infrastructure dedicated to the study of aerosols, clouds and reactive gases., 
  • balloons datasets: data from balloon campaigns are stored and distributed by ESPRI. These may be intercomparison, validation or experimental campaigns. In particular, the data from the STRAEOLE-2 balloon campaigns
  • reanalysis: we  provide support to ensure an easier access to long term data records for climate studies such the new renalysis  ERA5 from the Copernicus Climate Service or other datasets such the MERRA-2, long term satellite data series…

The ESPRI-Obs team supports activities for different IPSL communities (urban climate, paleoclimate, SIG, ..) and provides them with a meta-catalog service that allows to value the datasets of different research groups. It also provides DOIs on remarkable datasets or datasets related to publications.

At national level, Earth observations are organised and curated by the Data-Terra research infrastructure, organised in 4 thematic poles (ODATIS, THEIA, FORMATER and AERIS) . ESPRI-Obs is one of the four Data and https://www.data-terra.org/Services Centers of the national AERIS  thematic data center.

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