Major challenges in Earth observation

  1. Study and monitor land, oceans, atmosphere and biosphere on a global scale: defining, selecting and financing satellite missions
  2. Study small-scale processes using detailed in-situ measurements: prepare and deploy field campaigns worldwide
  3. Understanding climate variability and extremes: designing, operating and maintaining surface observation networks over several decades
  4. Technological challenges: from innovation to robust/industrial solutions
  5. Tracing measurement quality: standard observation, calibration and quality control protocols
  6. Data management, handling and processing: applying FAIR principles


Objectives of the IPSL Center for Earth Observations

o Identify axes of coordination with a significant unifying character

o Carry out this coordination in order to advance our understanding of the “climate system”.

These areas of work include

  • Coordination: developing common strategies
  • Visibility: through IPSL and laboratory activities
  • Science: involvement in IPSL’s strategic themes
  • Tools/methods: data, analysis, instrumentation, logistics, etc.


Working groups

I-CEO includes 5 working groups that support coordination activities in the following domains:

  • IPSL Space group (coordination: Sarah Safieddine, LATMOS)
  • Long-term observation infrastructures / observatories group (coordination : Martial Haeffelin, IPSL)
  • Urban environments group (multi-coordination : Valérie Gros, LSCE ; Gilles Foret, LISA ; Simone Kotthaus, IPSL)
  • Analytical geochemistry platform group (coordination : Arnaud Dapoigny, LSCE)
  • Data analysis method group (coordination : Jean-François Ribaud, IPSL)

and is supplemented by a direct link with ESPRI, called ESPRI-OBS (coordination : Sophie Cloché) for data management

Table of Contents

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